Mirosław Kocur
Mirosław Kocur is a theatre director and anthropologist, Chair of Cultural Studies at the University of Wrocław and Professor of PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków, Branch in Wrocław. He has made significant contributions to performance studies and the advancement of theatre education. His research, based on his extensive theatre experience, focuses on reconstructing the origins of performance practices. His major publications include: Teatr antycznej Grecji (Ancient Greek Theatre, 2001), We władzy teatru: Aktorzy i widzowie w antycznym Rzymie (In the Thrall of Theatre: Actors and Spectators in Ancient Rome, 2005), Drugie narodziny teatru: performanse mnichów anglosaskich (The Second Birth of Theatre: Performances of Anglo-Saxon Monks, 2010), Teatr bez teatru: Performanse w Anglii Wschodniej u schyłku średniowiecza (Theatre Without a Theatre: Performances in East Anglia in the late Middle Ages, 2012) and Źródła teatru (The Sources of Theatre, 2013, www.zrodlateatru.pl). He is also the editor of the series ‘Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance’ for the Peter Lang publishing house.