Wojciech Baluch
Dr hab. Wojciech Baluch is a lecturer in Performance Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He held a Fulbright fellowship in the Cognitive Linguistics Department in SUNY University, Buffalo, in 1998, and taught classes on cognitive semantics at the University of Pittsburgh in 2000. He organised a series of conferences for young theatre researchers on theatre theory. He completed internships at Freie Universität in Berlin and the Central European University in Budapest. Baluch has co-authored of a number of monographs published by the Department of Performance Studies (formerly Drama Department) of the Jagiellonian University: Dyskurs, postać i płeć w dramacie (Discourse, Characters and Gender in Drama, 2002), Oblicza realizmu (The Many Faces of Realism, 2007); Elementy dramatu. Analizy diagnostyczne (Elements of Drama 1: Drama and Dramatisations in the Twentieth Century, 2009), and Polska dramatyczna 1. Dramat i dramatyzacje w XX wieku (Dramatic Poland 1: Drama and Dramatisations in the Twentieth Century, 2012). His primary interest is the latest Polish drama and contemporary media culture. He is the author of a book on recent Polish drama, Po-między-nami. Słaby dyskurs w polskim dramacie współczesnym (Be-tween-us: Weak Discourse in Polish Contemporary Drama; 2011).